Organic Food

You’ve most likely heard of probiotics as they pertain to gut health and digestion. Their benefits have been widely touted and we often hear about them being ...

Our understanding of fat has changed enormously over the past few years. First, we learned that, despite what all those high-priced, low-fat snack foods ...

As a life coach and author of the bestselling The One, people constantly ask me about the nitty gritty of changing their lives: How long does it take? What ...

*Affiliate disclaimer.We've been repeating "You are what you eat" since we were kids – so why are doctors still so cagey about it? Research has proven time ...

“For hundreds of thousands of years,” writes Max Lugavere in his New York Times bestselling book Genius Foods, “humans ate diets that were rich in fiber, ...

*Affiliate disclaimer.Biohacking nerds are all about autophagy optimization, seeking out ways to improve the body's ability to, essentially, ...

*Affiliate disclosure. Seasonal depression is real, and millions of Americans have a form of Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. The darker, colder times of ...

According to GuruGanesha, there is a belief that many of the most popular mantras are designed so that when the tongue touches the roof of the mouth in ...

Since gut health and the microbiome are so important (improving brain function, supporting immune health, and boosting happiness levels9, for example) ...

We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but that doesn't mean any old breakfast will do. It's important that your first meal ...

Remote working skyrocketed during the pandemic, and the trend is here to stay. But beyond the occasional faux pas on Zoom, remote working isn’t a paradise ...

After college and working to save up some money, I went backpacking for what ended up being three years. Looking back, it was a time for adventure, but also ...
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